
Alexander Gruhler
Magister Artium (M.A.)
Geschäftsführender Partner, Unternehmensbeziehungen | Managing Partner, Corporate Relations
Alexander Wunderle
Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Real Estate International I Diplom-Immobilienwirt (DIA)
Geschäftsführender Partner, Investment & Landlord Services | Managing Partner, Investment & Landlord Services
Patrick R. Sohns
Immobilienökonom (IRE|BS)
Geschäftsführender Partner, Industrie & Logistik | Managing Partner, Industrial & Logistics
Charlot Schröder
Real Estate Asset Manager (IRE|BS), Fachwirtin für Marketingkommunikation (WAK)
Director of Operations I Team Investment & Landlord Services
Nils Heikaus
Immobilienökonom (IRE|BS)
Teamleiter Büroimmobilien I Director Office Leasing
Lars Laufenberg
Kaufmann in der Grundstücks- und Wohnungswirtschaft (IHK)
Senior Großkundenbetreuer Büroimmobilien I Senior Consultant – Key Accounts Office Leasing
Niklas Lendzian
Immobilienkaufmann (IHK)
Senior Berater Büroimmobilien I Senior Consultant Office Leasing
Felix Ludwig
Immobilienkaufmann (IHK)
Berater Büroimmobilien & Einzelhandel | Office Leasing & Retail Consultant
Tom Rosenstein
Immobilienkauffmann (IHK)
Berater Industrie & Logistik I Consultant Industrial & Logistics
Lilly Ostermann
Büroimmobilien & Investment | Office Leasing & Investment
Paul Rieker
Immobilienkauffmann (IHK)
Investment Manager I Consultant Landlord Services
Mike Dimmel
Industrie & Logistik | Industrial & Logistics
Nina Wolsing
Immobilienkauffrau (IHK)
Office Manager
Franziska Gazon
Industrie & Logistik | Industrial & Logistics
Philipp Valentin Kraft
Investment Analyst
B. Sc Volkswirtschaftslehre 
Julia Kliber
Industrie & Logistik | Industrial & Logistics